As A Ride A Safe Alternative

MADD: Turning Tragedy into Change

Most people are aware that the laws regarding intoxicated or impaired driving have become progressively stricter over the past few decades, but aren’t aware of the details. MADD, or Mothers Against Drunk Driving, was begun by Candy Lightner in 1980 after she lost her thirteen-year-old daughter, Cari, in a car […]

New Year’s Parties in Our Coverage Area

Unlike most designated driving companies, we will drive you home in your own car anywhere from West Vancouver to Mission. If you are planning on celebrating but haven’t picked an event yet, these are some of the most popular ones in each area. Abbotsford:–abbotsford/new-year-party/ Burnaby: Coquitlam: Langley: […]

Driving in Rainy Conditions

We have arrived at the coldest, wettest part of the year here in BC. Early sunsets, long nights, and frequent rain are par for the course in this province, but still hazardous. Even if you drive sober, the roads are still more dangerous now than they were a few months […]

Planning a Party?

Many people think of designated driving services only late at night, when their ride home from a restaurant or club has unexpectedly vanished. However, others know to keep us in mind for planned events. If any of the following events are on your Fall calendar, consider keeping our phone number […]

Getting Home Safe

You weren’t planning on drinking tonight, or perhaps you intended to enjoy yourself but the friend who was supposed to drive you home left without you. You have your car with you, but don’t want to be the one to drive it. What are your options? Taxi: The first thing […]