We have arrived at the coldest, wettest part of the year here in BC. Early sunsets, long nights, and frequent rain are par for the course in this province, but still hazardous. Even if you drive sober, the roads are still more dangerous now than they were a few months ago. Follow a handful of simple steps to stay safe on the road.
Slow down. Wet roads reduce your traction by a third, so as a rule of thumb you can’t go wrong by reducing your speed by a third.
Don’t panic if you hydroplane. Ease your foot off the accelerator and apply slow, steady pressure to the brake. Avoid the temptation to slam on the brakes.
Don’t use cruise control. You will have less traction if you do.
Drive as though you are taking your driving test! That means both hands on the wheel, no distractions such as your phone, music player or fast food, and stay focused on driving. In more dangerous conditions, being able to react quickly is an even greater asset.
Pull over if you need to. If visibility is poor or the road feels treacherous, there is no rule that you have to push through it. Waiting for the heavy rain to pass or finding an alternate route is worth it in the long run.
Always, of course, drive sober. Even a slight delay in reaction time due to a few beers is more dangerous this time of year. If you need a designated driver, we are here…seven nights a week, every day of the year. Keep yourself safe this winter!